Bristol 1350 1/0; Chess 4/0, Chinese Checkers 2/0, Coffee Shop 0/1; Exploding Kittens 1/1; Fistful of Lead 2/2; Formula D 1/0; Gamma World 0/35; Gnome Wars 5/9; Oklahoma Boomers 1/1, Risus 0/1, Santa's Bag 1/1,Scrabble 1/1, Sword and the Flame 1/1, To Cry a Joust 2/1
Chess 1/0, Chinese Checkers 3/2, Chupacabra Dice 1/0, D&D 0/2, Dungeon Crawl Classics 1/0, Fistful of Lead 4/5, Formula De 1/1, Gamma World 0/36, Gnome Wars 3/7, Hive Mind 1/0, Magic 5/0, Oregon Trail 1/0, Planet 28 5/0, Pop Tarts 1/0, Post-Game Interview 1/1, Ramen Fury 1/1, Settlers of Catan 1/1, Star Wars 0/4, Ticket to Ride 4/2, To Cry a Joust 2/4, Trash Pandas 1/1, TWERPS 0/1, Uno 4/0
Apocalypse World 0/1, Apples to Apples 1/0, Call of Cthulhu 0/2, Chess 1/1, Chupacabra Dice 1/0, Coffee Shop 0/1, Complicated Profession 0/2, Gnome Wars 5/5, Gnoming Around 1/1, Kids Against Maturity 1/1, Monster of the Week, 1/0, Paleo Diet 2/0, Pass the Pandas 1/0, Planet 28 2/1, Post-Game Interview 1/1, Star Wars 0/37, Uno 1/0, Valley of the Ape 0/1, Zombie Dice 1/0,
Action Cats 1/0, Cards Against Humanity 1/0, Chess 6/1, Fluxx 1/1, Gnome Wars 4/4, Lasers and Feelings 0/1, Last Days 1/1, Llamas Unleashed 1/1, OGRE 2/2, Pass the Pandas 3/0, Risus 0/1, Savage Worlds 1/4, Star Wars 0/45, Uno 5/0, Unstable Unicorns 1/0.
Apples to Apples 6/0, Car Wars: Card Game 1/0, Chupacabre Dice 1/0, Coffee Shop 0/1, D&D 7/1, Family Plot 1/0, Formula D 1/1, Gnome Wars 1/1, Last Days 1/1, Legions of Steel 1/0, Pass the Pandas 7/1, Pulp Alley 0/1, Risus 0/5, Savage Worlds 3/3, Squig Racing 3/0, Star Wars d6 0/19, Survive-Escape from Atlantis 1/1, Tactica 1/0, TIARA 0/1, To Cry a Joust 1/0, Uno 5/0, Unstable Unicorns 1/0, Zombie Dice 1/0.
Apples to Apples 1/0, Call of Cthulhu 0/3, Castles & Crusades 1/0, Chickapig 1/1, Chupacabra Dice 1/0, Contemptible Little Armies 1/1, D&D 19/9, Fluxx 1/0, Formula D 1/1, Gnome Wars 4/2, Magic: The Gathering 1/0, Mag-Blast 1/1, Milk and Cookies Wargaming 1/0, Pass the Pandas 2/2, Pulp Alley 1/1, Risus 0/2, Rory's Story Cubes 1/0, Savage Worlds 2/3, Scythe 1/0, Shark Hunt 1/1, Star Trek (Modiphius) 2/0, Swahili 1/1, Uno 1/0, Unstable Unicorns 1/1, Yahtzee 1/0
Beyond the Gates of Antares 2/0, Blood and Plunder 1/0, Burning Plastic 0/1, Call of Cthulhu 1/2, Car Wars: Card Game 1/0, Chupacabra Dice 1/0, D&D 33/8, Dungeon Roll 1/0, Family Plot 1/0, Fluxx 1/1, GASLIGHT 1/0, Gnome Wars 4/2, Jumpin 2/1, Magic 1/1, Martian Dice 1/0, My Little Pony RPG 0/9, Once Upon a Time 1/1, Picnic Panic 1/0, Risus 0/3, Santa's Bag 1/0, Savage Worlds 3/3, Song of Blades and Heroes 2/1, Tactica 0/1, Traveller 0/1, Twixt 2/1, Uno 2/0, Zombie Dice 1/0.
Blood & Plunder 2/0, Call of Cthulhu 1/0, Car Wars Card Game 2/1, Chupacabre Dice 1/0, D&D 5/0, D&D Attack Wing 1/0, Deadzone 1/0, Fiasco 1/0, Gnome Wars 2/1, Legions of Steel 2/0, Lettow Vorbeck 1/0, My Little Pony RPG 0/1, Of Gods and Mortals 1/1, Pokemon 1/1, Risus 0/3, Rory's Story Cubes 3/4, Santa's Bag 2/0, Savage Showdown 4/15, Survive: Escape from Atlantis 1/1, Sword and the Flame 1/0, Terraforming Mars 1/0, Tiny Epic Galaxies 1/0, Uno 6/0, Valley of the Ape 1/1, Zombie Dice 1/1.
2015-2016 Burning Plastic 2/1, Call of Cthulhu 0/7, Car Wars the Card Game 3/1, Cards Against Humanity 1/0, Chupacabre Dice 6/2, Divine Right 2/0, Dungeon Roll 7/1, Dungeon Saga 2/1, Eggs and Empires 1/0, Fluxx 1/1, Gaslight 1/0, Gnome Wars 2/0, Heroclix 2/4, History of the World 1/0, Kings of War 1/0, Kobolds Ate My Baby 0/1, Legions of Steel 1/2, Loop Inc 1/0, Martian Dice 2/1, No Mercy 1/1, Santa's Bag 3/1, Savage Showdown 3/6, Spirit of '77 0/2, The Race Game 1/1, TIARA 0/1, To Cry a Joust 1/0, TWERPS 0/1, Uno 2/0, Village on the Hill 0/1, Zombie Dice 5/0
2014-2015 Axis & Allies 1/0, Battletech 1/1, Blood & Swash 1/0, Call of Cthulhu 0/5, D&D 0/1, Doctor Who Minis 1/0, Dungeon Roll 2/0, Eggs and Empires 1/0, Euphoria 1/0, Gnome Wars 4/1, Harbour 1/0, Magic 6/0, The Race Game 3/3, Risus 0/1, Savage Showdown 2/3, T.I.A.R.A. 1/2, Tiny Epic Defender 1/0, To Cry a Joust 3/2, Turbo-Joust 1/0, TWERPS 0/1, Uno 2/0, Village on the Hill 1/1, Zombie Dice 17/4, Zombies! 2/2
2013-2014 Agents 1/0, All Quiet on the Martian Front 1/0, Battletech 1/0, Burning Plastic 0/1, Call of Cthulhu 1/2, Contemptible Little Armies 1/3, D&D 1/4, Dungeon Roll 2/0, Fluxx 1/0, Gnome Wars 6/5, King of Tokyo 1/0, Marvel Legendary 1/0, OGRE 1/1, The Race Game 3/1, Real Life 1/0, Star Trek Attack Wing 1/0, TIARA 1/4, Zombie Dice 1/1
2012-2013 Airlines Europe 1/0 Apples to Apples 1/1 Burning Plastic 1/1 Call of Cthulhu 0/6 Cheese Hulk 1/0 Fluxx 1/0 Formula De 3/0 Gnome Wars 6/4, TIARA 1/2 Toon 0/1 Trench Wars 1/0
2011-2012 Apples to Apples 2/1 Call of Cthulhu 0/4 Gnome Wars 9/11 Legions of Steel 1/1 Munchkin 1/0 Risus 0/1 T.I.A.R.A 0/2
2010-11 Call of Cthulhu 0/1 D&D (4e) 1/0 Gnome Wars 6/8 Hackmaster 0/1 Risus 0/1 Toon 0/2
Burning Plastic 0/1 Call of Cthulhu 0/4 Diplomacy 1/1 Fluxx 0/1 Gnome Wars 8/8 Mouse Guard 0/1 Risus 0/1 Robo Rally 2/0 Sandscape 1/0 The Sword and the Flame 2/0